Coen Walstra

22-11-2023 at 5PM CEST

Coen Walstra

22-11-2023 at 5PM CEST

Crush Self-Doubt:
3 Steps to Master
SelfLove [Webinar]

Do you often find yourself stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, seeking validation from others, and struggling to set your own boundaries? Are you tired of constantly comparing yourself to those around you? 

Today, it’s time to make a powerful choice to break free from this pattern and step into your true potential. Opting to live life on your own terms means experiencing more joy and a greater sense of flow.

In our upcoming webinar, we’ll equip you with practical steps to:

  • Build unshakable self-confidence by understanding the three fundamental pillars.
  • Tap into the natural power of your heart to control your emotional state.
  • Recognize and overcome those deep-seated subconscious programs that might be holding you back.

This isn’t just another ordinary self-help program; it’s a life-changing journey that empowers you to live authentically and create a life filled with self-love and purpose. Our toolkit, refined over a 10+ years of wisdom and experience, ensures you’ll see results in the first 14 days

Don’t miss out! Join our 50 minute webinar on 22-11-2023 at 5PM CEST, and begin your journey toward unshakable self-love and confidence. Take the first step towards a life lived authentically and on your own terms. 

A webinar that will transform your life!

Do you ever have the feeling that:

Register now for your free webinar

"Coen is a great teacher as he embodies his teachings. He has inspired me and helped me believe in my own power and define my own life instead of let it be defined by what happened/happens to me. Thank you."
Testimonial Coen Walstra
Nina Imboden

About your transformational life coach!

Over the past decade, Coen Walstra has dedicated himself to discovering the most effective ways to facilitate personal transformation. In this remarkable journey, he has delved into a rich tapestry of psychological, spiritual, and scientific methods, leveraging a multifaceted approach to bring about profound change.

His primary areas of focus revolve around two core principles: the interplay of self-love and the heart, and understanding how our subconscious mind is programmed. Coen has refined his expertise in deciphering these facets of human experience and is dedicated to uncovering the most powerful techniques for causing lasting transformations within the subconscious mind.

"Step up into your true potential by living a life of joy and happiness"

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