Home » Full moon meditation January
January full moon meditation

Full moon meditation January

In this powerful full moon meditation for January we will celebrate the first full moon of the year and you will let go of anything that you don’t longer need and that you don’t want to bring into the new year. Then you will imagine how you start to walk over an amazingly beautiful path in the middle of nature, your own life path. You will be filled with new energy and strength for the new year.

Full moon meditation January 2023 - Guided meditation to let go, release and walk your own life path

The full moon gives a great opportunity to release all those energies that you don’t need, therefor you will connect in this meditation to the energy of the earth and the moon and they will help you to let go of all those things. You will let go of energies you hold onto, grief, old pain, stress, worries, tension and of the energies of last your that you do not need to bring into this year. Also your emotional body will set free.

after all the old emotions have left you will be in beautiful nature, standing on your own life path and you will start walking over this path and pull in all the energy and resources that you need for the upcoming year. The meditation will renew you and because of the new energy give you new strength to start this year full of power.

I would recommend doing this moon meditation with headphones.

If you like this meditation I would be super grateful if you could write a comment on Youtube.

Have an amazing night!


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