Home » Positive affirmations for confidence, succes and wealth – 10 minutes!
Positive affirmations for confidence succes and wealth

Positive affirmations for confidence, succes and wealth – 10 minutes. Try this for 21 days!

In the following video I will share positive affirmations for confidence, succes and wealth. Listen to the affirmations and try to really feel the emotion when you listen to them. You can also listen to them before you go to bed. In this way they will work through during your sleep.

Positive Affirmations for Confidence, Succes and Wealth - 10 Minutes - Try This for 21 Days!

These powerful positive affirmations for confidence, success and wealth will help you changing your energy and subconscious mind. Listen to them every day for 21 days and see the effect they have! They will help you boost your self esteem, self worth and attract more succes into your world. If you want you can repeat them out loud.

When you listen to positive affirmations for success for a longer period they will change the way you think and feel. While you listen to them it is important to also try to feel the emotion of the affirmations. The combination of a thought and a positive feeling is really powerful.

You can also choose some of them and use the mirror technique to make it even more powerful. Step in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say them out loud, while you look yourself in the eyes. I have the feeling that this puts it even deeper in your subconscious mind.

Have also a look at my post how to make positive affirmations work faster.

If you are interested in more self love in your life, have a look at our self-love course.

I am sending you all my love.


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