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Coen Walstra

Positive affirmations for confidence succes and wealth

Positive affirmations for confidence, succes and wealth – 10 minutes!

Positive affirmations for confidence, succes and wealth – 10 minutes. Try this for 21 days! In the following video I will share positive affirmations for confidence, succes and wealth. Listen to the affirmations and try to really feel the emotion when you listen to them. You can also listen to them before you go to …

Positive affirmations for confidence, succes and wealth – 10 minutes! Read More »

Dr. Joe Dipenza breathing technique

365 day Dr. Joe Dispenza breathing for 30 to 90 minutes a day. What happened doing the breathing technique!

365 day Dr. Joe Dispenza breathing for 30 to 90 minutes a day. What happened doing the breathing technique! One year ago, right after the Cancun weeklong in June I wanted to get the Dr. Joe Dispenza breathing just really good under control. So I made with myself a challenge that turned out into a …

365 day Dr. Joe Dispenza breathing for 30 to 90 minutes a day. What happened doing the breathing technique! Read More »

How to make positive affirmations work faster for you

How to make positive affirmations work faster for you! 10 tips to rock your positive affirmations

How to make positive affirmations work faster for you! 10 tips to rock your positive affirmations Positive affirmations are a great way to implement new inner beliefs and reprogram the subconscious mind. It is only really important to use the affirmations in the right way to get the desired effects. If you for instance say …

How to make positive affirmations work faster for you! 10 tips to rock your positive affirmations Read More »

Practicing gratitude makes you happy -3 exercises

Practicing gratitude makes you happy – 3 gratitude exercises that can help you being thankful!

Practicing gratitude makes you happy – 3 gratitude exercises that can help you being thankful! It are not the happy people being grateful, but the grateful people being happy. A lot of research shows that when you practice gratitude and do exercises to become more thankful you automatically become more happy. I believe practicing gratitude …

Practicing gratitude makes you happy – 3 gratitude exercises that can help you being thankful! Read More »

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